Emilio Dragone Vives

Emilio Dragone Vives

He joined the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya in June 1979 where he has performed for 43 years functions in environmental management, related to the administrative intervention of activities with environmental impact. During his long career, he has held the positions of Secretary of the Territorial Commission of Industries and Activities of Barcelona, Secretary of the Environmental Department, Head of the Service of Prevention and Environmental Assessment of Activities and, more recently, Deputy Director General of Intervention and Environmental Qualification, a unit under which depended matters related to the environmental authorization of activities, The unit was responsible for matters related to the environmental authorization of activities, prior declaration of environmental impact and its follow-up through the inspection system, the environmental evaluation of the restoration of extractive activities, the promotion and concession of voluntary environmental management systems and environmental quality labels, the follow-up of the implementation of BATs and the authorization of environmental control entities.

He has also participated in the elaboration of regulations related to environmental administrative intervention, and during his time in the environmental administration he has been one of the main interlocutors with other public bodies, consultancies, engineering firms and environmental entities in relation to the matters and procedures of the aforementioned areas.

He speaks Spanish, Catalan and French.

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