Activities with Environmental Impact
At Menéndez & Asociados Abogados we provide legal guidance on the processing of administrative permits for obtaining environmental authorization in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/2016, of December 16, which approves the revised text of the Prevention Law and integrated management of pollution, and Law 21/2013, of December 9, on environmental impact assessment, and the regional community and local laws enacted on the matter, including municipal management of urban activity. In short, all matters that derive from the application of prevailing law and regulation, such as environmental inspection and sanctioning norms and procedures, precautionary and provisional measures that affect operations and methods, administrative appeals, and so on. In keeping with this line of work, territorial and/or urbanistic considerations and strategic policy statements also form part of the services we provide.
Water Management
One of the domains and matters in which the firm has been most greatly involved in terms of the number of cases is precisely that of water rights.
Regarding this branch of the law, we advise on all matters related to the integral water cycle, of particular importance for the operation of both public and private activity.
Waste and Contaminated Soil
The correct management of waste is a complex activity that requires specialized attention from businesses and organizations. Our firm offers preventive advice regarding the prevailing obligations derived from state, regional and local regulations, which fall on production companies as well as on those involved in waste management and transportation.
To the extent that environmental law also governs atmospheric, acoustic and light pollution, our law firm provides guidance on compliance with limits on emission and immission of pollutants into the atmosphere, the cataloging of polluting sources, and compliance with recurring obligations. We are also specialists in the trading of greenhouse gas emission rights.
We guide our clients in the securing of mining operation permits, research permits and authorizations and exploitation concessions for mineral resources of all kinds.
Menéndez & Asociados Abogados also provides liable parties, owners, exploitation rights holders and insurers advice on matters of environmental liability, regulated mainly by Law 26/2007, of October 23, on environmental liability.
Similarly, the firm also advises on the subject of nature reserves, protected species of fauna and flora, and their relationship with business operations and activities.