• Intervention in the demarcation procedures of the maritime-terrestrial public domain; burdens related to transit easements, to access to the sea and to protection; coast paths and beach promenades; terrestrial maritime urbanizations.
• Extension of concessions for all types of uses, including those that cover occupations for facilities and industries subject to the environmental intervention regime, including, where appropriate, underwater emissaries.
• Advice for obtaining the compatibility report of the Ministry of Ecological Transition with marine strategies for all types of actions and discharges.
• Extraordinary concessions due to non-existence of alternative locations.
• Uses in ports. Public port domain concessions. Extension and renewal of marina concessions.
• Advice on development procedures of urban plans in coastal municipalities and coastal planning plans approved in accordance with regional legislation.
• Comprehensive analysis of the problem linked to the rise of the sea level above private properties.
• Promotion of defence works of the coastal legislation and solutions based on services provided by coastal ecosystems.